Dec 3, 2016 | Alumni, Community Arts, Events, Hall of Fame, News, Santa Clara Vanguard, SCV Winter Guard
The Santa Clara Vanguard has a block of hotel rooms available for those attending the 50th Anniversary Gala and DCI WEST at Stanford. We want to encourage you to stay at the Gala Headquarters opening weekend. Special room rates will be available Thursday June 22,...
Nov 16, 2016 | Alumni, Community Arts, Hall of Fame, News, Santa Clara Vanguard, SCV Winter Guard, Vanguard Cadets
We are happy to announce that Whole Foods Market of Santa Clara has chosen the Santa Clara Vanguard as their 5% Community Support day recipient coming up on Wednesday, December 7th, 2016 at the Santa Clara Store located on 2732 Augustine Drive. Help support the...
Sep 11, 2016 | News, SCV Winter Guard
In order to prepare for and celebrate Santa Clara Vanguard’s 50th Anniversary in 2017, we will be focusing our efforts to ensure great experiences for members and audiences alike. That is why, while we have enjoyed great success with our award winning Winter Guard, we...
Aug 28, 2016 | News, Santa Clara Vanguard, SCV Winter Guard, Vanguard Cadets
Come join us at Patxi’s Pizza in San Jose on Monday September 19, 2016! The Santa Clara Vanguard will be participating in Patxi’s “52 weeks of giving” where the restaurant will donate 10% of sales on the day of our event. HOW TO...
Aug 23, 2016 | News, Santa Clara Vanguard, SCV Winter Guard, Vanguard Cadets, VWP
Promotion formalizes role held since last season; new programs director also joins executive team of Santa Clara-based performing arts organization. SANTA CLARA, CA – August 23, 2016 – The Santa Clara Vanguard, one of the world’s top rated drum and bugle corps...
Aug 17, 2016 | News, SCV Winter Guard
Santa Clara Vanguard is pleased to announce the management team for the SCV Winter Guard. Roxanne Koester will be returning to the Santa Clara Vanguard Winter Guard. Roxanne was the Winter Guard manager from 2009 through 2011 and we are very excited that...