SCVC 2018: “Off The Wall”

Jun 12, 2018 | News, Uncategorized, Vanguard Cadets

For millennia, all artists have been captivated by the simple question, “What will happen next?” And when the answer surprises us – a left turn when we expect to go right; silence instead of cacophony – we lean in, curious. An unfulfilled expectation can suddenly shift our view of an idea, another person, or even the world. Indeed, a moment that at first blush seems off the wall, is often the beginning of deep inspiration or insight.

“To be surprised, to wonder, is to begin to understand.”
– José Ortega y Gasset

The Vanguard Cadets present a richly layered program, “Off the Wall”. With bold sonic and visual palettes, the show aims to spark imagination, challenge the left-brain, and delight the senses. The modern, eclectic soundtrack resonates with music by Frederick Mercury, Eric Whitacre, and two original pieces by Fred Emory Smith and Ryan Adamsons.

“To expect the unexpected shows a thoroughly modern intellect.”
– Oscar Wilde

“Off the Wall” showcases a cast of 154 talented performers who transform the field into an intimate theatre for a fête of unconventional sight and sound. The 2018 Vanguard Cadets shine a spotlight onto the moment when our expectations are upended – and the thoughtful, provocative notion of what it means to be “Off the Wall”.


“Bicycle Race” by Frederick Mercury
“Sounding Board” by Fred Emory Smith & Ryan Adamsons
“Fly to Paradise” by Eric Whitacre
“Rebound” by Fred Emory Smith & Ryan Adamsons

“We’re so excited to work together and produce a show that stretches our talented performers and thrills drum corps fans all summer long. Since last August, the question I’ve been asked most often is, ‘How do you follow up a championship season?’ and my response is always a little anticlimactic –  ‘We’re just going to keep doing what we do well, improve what we can, and design a show that the members love to perform.'” said Robert Ripley, Vanguard Cadets Program Coordinator.

“This year, Vanguard Cadets welcomed Matt Hartwell, Ryan Adamsons and Jenny Lyons to the design team, and their fresh perspectives and enthusiasm have been infectious since day one. Especially around maximizing the performance potential of the show design, to give members the best opportunity to connect with the audience, and the ‘Off the Wall’ concept really leapt out at us as a way to do all that.”

Check out the 2018 SCVC Performance Schedule and come see “Off the Wall” in a city near you!

And be on the lookout for our 2018 SCVC Show Shirt… available soon at!

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