This year, don’t look for a ‘story’ in the traditional sense. There’s no ‘hero’ or ‘character’ to follow. Instead, the show is designed so each fan can respond to the music, precision, and spectacle in their own way… to “fill in the pieces” with their own imagination.
“At our first design meeting back in September, the unanimous feeling was to give the performers and fans a show that’s the heart of what defined our organization’s best moments during the past five decades – those moments when something different, something new was tried,” said Rob Ripley, SCVC Program Coordinator. “To accomplish that, once we’d decided on the show’s main idea, rather than try to fit the show into pre-conceived notions of what SCVC does or who we are, we made the very deliberate choice to let the production emerge as organically as possible.”
“Feedback” by Ojos de Brujo
“Kaleidoscope” by Fred Emory Smith
“Temen Oblak” by Christopher Tin
“Harvest” by John Mackey
The designers challenged themselves to stay away from their comfort zone as they approached every show element – music, visual, movement, costumes, and staging. The show unfolds as a series of connected but unique moments – some musical, some visual, and some both – but all built on one simple and compelling motif that appears in countless ways: PIECES.
“This is my tenth year with the corps and I can honestly say that the 2017 show doesn’t look, sound or feel like anything we’ve ever done before or what you’d expect from us,” added Ripley. “But at the same time there’s no question this show is pure Vanguard Cadets – and the performers are already chomping at the bit to get in front of the audience.”
Thanks to our amazing design team for their contributions to this vision: Michael Gaines (Creative Director), Rob Ripley (Program Coordinator), Peter Gomez (Visual Coordinator), Fred Emory Smith (Music Coordinator & Composer), Casey Brohard (Battery Composer), and Key Poulan (Brass Arranger).
Check out the 2017 SCVC Performance Schedule and come see “In Pieces” in a city near you!
And be on the lookout for the 2017 SCVC Show Shirt.. available soon at!